legal notice
Company name: partisan collector paris
Legal status: sole proprietorship
managing director: patrick vachey
Address: 4 rue doudeauville - 75018 paris
SIRET n°: 848 681 672 000012
intracommunity VAT n°: fr 868 486 816 72
All photos, brands, texts, comments, works, illustrations and images, whether visual or audio, reproduced on the site are protected by copyright, trademark law, patent law and image rights. PARTISAN COLLECTOR PARIS or its partners have legal ownership thereof. Any reproduction or representation, wholly or in part, of the images and/or products offered for sale constitutes an infringement which may incur the civil and penal liability of the person responsible. Any hypertext link to the PARTISAN COLLECTOR PARIS site, using the technique known as framing or deep linking, is strictly prohibited.
The Customer's personal data is necessary for the processing of their order and is not at any time to be sold, marketed or leased to third parties.
PARTISAN COLLECTOR PARIS undertakes to use the purchaser's personal data solely for the processing of their order and customer follow-up. In accordance with law n ° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Information Technology, Files and Civil Liberties, modified by the law of 6 August 2004, the purchaser has a right of access, modification, rectification and deletion of their personal data.
This processing is the subject of a declaration to the National Data Protection Commission under law n ° 78-17 of 6 January 1978.
For any such request, please contact :
Your request will be examined as soon as possible.
At any time, the Customer has the right to recover their data from our site. Please contact us at
When consulting the site, your browsing history may be recorded in "Cookies" files on the Customer's machine (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.). The Customer may express and modify at any time their wishes regarding Cookies using the following:
- Internet explorer
"Tools" menu > "Internet Options" > "Confidentiality" > select your preferences > OK
- Google Chrome
Icon "customise and control" > "Settings" > "display advanced settings" > "privacy" > "content settings" > select your preferences > OK
- Mozilla Firefox
Menu "Tools" > "Options" > "Privacy" > "History" > "Conversation rules" > "use personalised settings for history" > select your preferences > OK
- Safari
"Safari" > "Preferences" > "Confidentiality" select your preferences > OK
The PARTISAN COLLECTOR PARIS site uses third party computer applications which enable the Internet user to share content from our site or to inform others of their opinion of content on our site (example "Share", "Like" options, from social media such as Facebook, "Google+" ...)
When the Customer consults a page on the site with this possibility, their browser connects directly to social media network servers. If they are connected to a social media network while browsing, the application enables them to link the pages viewed to their user account. If it uses plug-ins, for example, by clicking on the "Like" button or by leaving a comment, this information will be transmitted to the social media network and appear on their account.
If the Customer does not want the social media network to link the information from our site to their user account, they must log out of the social media network before visiting the site.
It is the Customer's responsibility to consult the general conditions of use of each site and its privacy policies to be informed of the use of browsing history, particularly for advertising purposes.